July,16 1969,was the history making date for the United States of America (USA) as they "claimed" to launch the first ever rocket to the moon. Apollo 11 blasted into the space beginning it's 250,000 miles journey to the moon, witnessed by million of Americans and broadcasted live to the rest of the world to be one of the most amazing moment throughout the history of human kind. The mission is to go to the no-man's land (Moon) and this automatically give America a big advantages in winning the fight with Soviet Union ( USSR, also known as CCCP) to conquer the space and eventually won the cold war.
BUT the questions started to arise..Did they really land on the moon? Most of us think so..
Millions of people watched on the television as the lunar-lander touched down and this unforgettable words are spoken: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."-Neil Armstrong...for more details on the conversation between Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon, click this link: http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11.step.html
Bill Kaysing was an analyst and engineer at the company that design the Apollo rockets. He said:
"The whole thing then, seemed phoney to me. I think it was an intuitive feeling that what was being shown was not real"
As he studied the footage of moon landing more closely, he was shocked to find several inconsistencies. Kaysing observes that despite of the clarity of the deep space, the stars were missing from the black lunar sky. He saw American flag waving, even though there were no air on the moon, and he discovered that there was no blast crater beneath the lunar lander, where it's powerful rocket engine was fired. These evidence convinced Kaysing that we never send a man to the moon.
According to Kaysing, the launched of the Apollo 11 to the space was real, but it just doesn't sent the astronauts to the moon..The astronauts just simply orbiting the earth for 8 days, and in the middle of the process, they broadcast a fake footage made here on the earth...He believed that the filming of the footage was done in the Area 51, a very heavily guarded military top-secret facility in Nevada. Only highly recognized authorized personnel can get inside this place where anybody else could be killed dead just trying to get near this place without any warning given by the military.
Russian's spy satellite photos of the Area 51, revealed not only a series of hangers, that resemble movie sound stages but also moon-like craters surface. These evidences supports Kaysing's claims before.
Russian's spy satellite photos of the Area 51, revealed not only a series of hangers, that resemble movie sound stages but also moon-like craters surface. These evidences supports Kaysing's claims before.
Area 51 snapshot caught from Russian spy satellite
A series of hangers that resembles movie sound stages were found in Area 51 site (claimed to be the place where all the fake footages were made)
Moon-like surface area also found in the heavily guarded Area 51 (believed to be a man-made fake craters on Earth)
Compare these 2 pictures.
[Left]Moon crater shot allegedly taken from the moon orbit by Apollo 10,
[Right]Moon crater shot by Russian spy satellite from Area 51
Was it just a coincidence that these 2 shot looks similar? Or, was it just the same picture? Allegedly claimed to be the real moon crater..Let's take a look at more evidence..
A static photo proved that there were an extra lighting on the moon during the Apollo expedition. Light from a filming studio set?
If there is no source of light on moon other than the Sun, why angle of the shadows between 2 different objects was in different degrees? It was suppose to be in parallel to each other since light propagate in parallel..
Even photography professionals feel skeptic about these pictures produced by NASA...for example, below is the list of pictures, shown more leaks or mistakes done by NASA questioned by professional photographers..For the record, all these static pictures were taken by a camera mounted on the chest of the other astronaut, where the engineer that produces the camera said that, the camera was not stable and the quality of the pictures should not be as clear as these pictures showed.
This astronaut is covered with shadows of the LEM, but yet, we could still see in crystal clear the details of the astronauts especially the American flag at the top of the astronaut's back
We could see the Sun at the back of the Astronaut, and the front side of the Astronaut should be in pitch black, but as usual, we can see all the details
Another pictures....we could see the UNITED STATES words clearly
Another issue is that, the footage taken by the astronauts on the moon have similar identical background even though the astronauts reported to be at different place at different days on the moon. The footage taken by different Apollo expeditions also shows the same background but what puzzles us, where is the remnants left by the astronauts from the earlier expedition..The background is the same, but the foreground is differ.
Compare these 4 pictures. The first picture is the picture taken from a different expeditions where the second picture is an earlier footage taken by Astronauts from the previous Apollo mission. Where is the remnant left? Was it moved? By whom?
Video footage taken from one of the sixth Apollo missions, where the Astronauts reported to Earth base that they had discovered a new place on Moon, where the background seems similar to the place they discovered on the day before. Compares these 2 pictures, see the similarity.
The last but not least, I'll show you the fake pictures produced by NASA in order to keep fooling people throughout the world and cover these hoax up. The camera used in the expeditions, as explained by the engineer, will have cross-hairs plotted on the pictures taken for research purposes. These cross-hairs will be on top of every pictures they caught. But what happens was, many of the pictures produced by NASA was claimed to be reused or a photo imposed pictures. The claimed was made due to the position of the cross-hairs which were behind of the subject in the picture. Below are the examples.
If NASA truly landed on the moon,remnants of the six successful Apollo missions would have been left behind. The base structure of the LEM (rocket), the abandon lunar rovers, even the American flag would have still standing at each landing site. Kaysing challenge NASA and all the believers to take the most powerful telescope on the world to see whether
there are any sign of remnants as stated above left on the moon....Until today, there are no answers..

This is so stupid if we never went to the moon how do you guys think man kind was able to put satellites in space and get satellite images or satellite television, this Conspiracy isn't even worth thinking about.
putting a man on the moon and sending a peice of metal in space is completly different things and require completly different actions
what moe said quite reasonable...but to think about it..vilma,i believe you have better judgement there..haha..the russian had first went to the space..but somehow,they never had the intentions to go to the moon...during the Cold War,USA needs to 'fight' the Russian in the space race,so they send 2 men to the moon...for me...in 1969,it was quite impossible,but if this thing happens today,i have no doubt what so ever....just my thought.
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